sábado, 4 de outubro de 2008

Fr U.M. Lang on Cardinal Giuseppe Siri [New Liturgical Movement]

The Splendour of the Ceremonial helps show forth the Truth
12 September 2008
by Fr. Uwe Michael Lang

To understand the thinking and action of Cardinal Giuseppe Siri upon the sacred liturgy, one must return to his years of training as a seminarian and as a young priest in Genoa . In the first half of the twentieth century, the metropolis of Liguria emerged as an important centre for the Liturgical Movement. In 1903, Archbishop Edoardo Pulciano in Genoa began teaching liturgy as a separate discipline. In 1914, there was founded the "Liturgical Review" (Rivista Liturgica), a joint project of the abbeys of Finalpia in Savonese, and Praglia. The presentation of the new journal stated its purpose was to study and explain the sacred liturgy to both the clergy and faithful as "public worship that the Church makes to God. 


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